1. Be Organized
- Use time saving tools such as a daily/weekly planner, calendar, "to do" list, etc., to keep track of assignments, tests and appointments.
- Create a work area that is free from distractions and organized so time is not wasted constantly looking for things.
- Write down everything in one place (whether it is a planner or on a smartphone app) and not on multiple calendars.
2. Plan Ahead
- Use a "to do" list for goals both long-term and for each day/week.
- Determine how long each task will take to do and set realistic goals.
- Break down large tasks into smaller tasks. Break it down so that it's "do-able" and not so overwhelming.
3. Prioritize Tasks
- Develop a list of specific things to be done each day, set your priorities and the get the most important or difficult ones done first. For more difficult tasks, this allows for more time to complete.
- Figure out how much time you need to accomplish each task. For instance, this will help you determine the time needed to pick a topic, do research, and write the paper.
- Postpone tasks that can be put off until school work is finished.
4. Avoid Overload
- Do not be a perfectionist. Setting unattainable expectations of yourself just adds stress to your life.
- Take short breaks every 1-2 hours to recharge.
- Do not put things off until the last minute. For example, do not cram for a test the night before. Spread studying out over a period of time, such as studying a little bit each day.
5. Be Able to be Flexible
- Expect the unexpected. There will always be obstacles thrown in your way, so be able to adapt to the situation.
- Leave room in your calendar so that you can move things around a little when needed.
- Schedule time for rest, sleep, eating, exercise and socializing.
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6. Practice Effective Study Techniques
- Have an appropriate study environment which matches your learning style and preferences.
- Read syllabus and note all due dates on your calendar.
- Be punctual, prepared and participative in class.