Set-up Your Student Portal
- Go to
- Click “Student Portal Homepage” in the window that pops up.
- On the next page, above the yellow Login button, click “Create A New Account.”
- You will be asked to submit your SSN with dashes, First & Last Name and answers to 2 or 3 security questions to help just in case you forget your password. Write these answers down!
- Click “Next.”
- It will now confirm your email address that is on file in the school’s system. (NOTE: If this is not correct in your school records, you will need to get it corrected to proceed.)
- It will now give you your username (usually your firstnamelastname, all lowercase letters). Write this down! You will need this to set up your password. (Example “Jane Doe” would be “janedoe”)
- It will now ask you create your own password. It must have at least 8 characters with 1 capital letter, 1 number and 1 symbol.
- Once you click submit, you will receive a verification email in your school email address that will come from If this email doesn’t arrive, please contact your Hybrid Coordinator or Library Manager on Campus for help.
- When you get the verification email, click on the link provided to activate your account.
- Now you can follow steps 1-3, to log into your account with your username and password!
If you have any trouble, consider submitting a help ticket through the Student Technology Link: