How does using advanced search tools benefit me?
There are so many web sites, ebooks, journals, etcetera that someone can quickly become overwhelmed by the number of results from using a simple search.
Web sites often contain the same information that has been repeated from other sites. In some cases, such as blogs, the result is simply a link to another blog, which may contain a link to another blog, which may contain a link to another blog, which get the picture.
By knowing how to use advanced search tools you can go ahead and filter out a lot of what you don't want or need.
Advanced search tools help find exactly what you're looking for!
Abstracts are basic information about a document. They don't include all of an article, just some basics and usually a short summary.
Thus it's best to check "full text" when using a database so that you get the entire article.
However, not all articles are available in full text everywhere!
If all you're finding are abstracts then be sure to ask the LRC Manager for help.
You may even be able to say "if it doesn't have images, I don't want it"!
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