Author's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of book: Subtitle if
given (edition if not 1st). Publisher. URL or DOI if eBook.
Example: Watson, J. (2012). Human caring science: A theory of nursing (2nd ed.).
Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Example: Nightingale, F. (1860). Notes on nursing: What it is, and what it is not. Harrison and Sons. 17366/17366-h/17366-h.htm
Name of Corporate Author. (Year of Publication). Title of book: Subtitle if given (edition if not 1st).
Publisher Name. URL or DOI if eBook.
Example: Historical Society of Londinium. (1878). A chronicle of time best forgotten.
Snodgrass Press.
Example: American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (7th ed.)
Note: If the Corporate Author is also the publisher of the book, omit the Publisher Name. Corporate authors must be spelled out. e.g. ASPCA becomes American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Last Name of First Author, First Initial. Second Initial if Given, & Last Name of Second Author, First
Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of book: Subtitle if given (edition if
not 1st). Publisher Name. URL or DOI if eBook.
Example: Case, L. P., Daristotle, L., Hayek, M. G., & Raash, M. F. (2011). Canine and feline
nutrition: A resource for companion animal professionals (3rd ed.). Mosby.
Note: Authors' names are separated by commas. Put a comma and an ampersand (&) before the name of the last author cited. You must include ALL names in the reference list for publications with up to 20 authors.
Editor's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Ed.). (Year of Publication). Title of book:
Subtitle if given (edition if not 1st). Publisher Name. URL or DOI if eBook.
Example: Leitch, M. G. (Ed.). (2019). A new companion to Malory. D. S. Brewer.
Note: For a book with more than one editor, follow the same rules as a Book with Two to Twenty Authors.
Author's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of chapter, article,
essay or short story. In Editor's First Initial. Second Initial if Given. Editor's Last
Name (Ed.), Title of book (edition if given and is not first edition, pp. first page number-last
page number). Publisher Name. URL or DOI if eBook.
Example: Stockert, P. A. & Taylor, C. (2014). Sleep. In P. A. Potter, A. G. Perry, J. C. Ross-Kerr & M.
J. Wood (Eds.), Canadian fundamentals of nursing (5th Cdn. ed., pp. 993-1016).
Example: King, P. N., & Wester L. (1998). Hawaii. In The world book encyclopedia (Vol. 9, pp. 88-1
10). World Book.
Note: If you have more than one editor list their name(s) after the first editor listed in the book, giving their initials and last name. Put an ampersand (&) before the last editor's name. When you have one editor the short form (Ed.) is used after the editor's name. If you have more than one editor use (Eds.) instead.
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