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Plagiarism: Academic Integrity Policies

Understanding plagiarism and academic integrity

The definition of Academic Integrity per Fortis College is a quote by Tracey Bretag, and it is, “acting with the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in learning, teaching and research.” (Bretag, 2018). 

Simply put, it is being a good student or instructor of a school.

It is not difficult to have academic integrity, as it only requires putting time and effort into school while conducting yourself properly as an individual, the same way that society expects you to perform in your daily life

If you think the majority of people will view you negatively for saying or doing something at school (particularly instructors), then do not do it. It is that simple. If you find yourself looking over your shoulder or pretending to do something, then you are likely in the wrong and at risk for violating academic integrity.

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