National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting
National Center for Competency Testing - Tech in Surgery - Certified TS-C (NCCT) (Accredited by NCCA)
AAMI - Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
IAHCSMM - International Association of Healthcare Central Service Material Management
CDC Guideline for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection 2017 - JAMA Surgery
Guideline for Sterile Technique - Association of Operating Room Nurses (AORN)
AST Standards of Practice for Creating the Sterile Field
Asepsis vs. Clean Technique: Joint Commission (2013)
AST Standards of Practice for Surgical Attire, Surgical Scrub, Hand Hygiene and Hand Washing
New WHO recommendations on intraoperative and postoperative measures for surgical site infection prevention: an evidence-based global perspective - World Health Organization in Lancet - Infectious Diseases v. 18 #3 2018
Surgery of the Future-NIH virtual operating room app for iOS and Android
Surgical Videos
AORN Clinical FAQs - includes topics such as counts/retained surgical items, sharps safety, surgical attire, transmissible infections
Strategies to Prevent Surgical Site Infections in Acute Care Hospitals: 2022 Update
Preventing unintended retained foreign objects - Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert