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Centerville Library: Canvas

Website for Fortis College, Centerville's Library & Resource Center

Canvas Frequently Asked Questions

What is Canvas?

  • Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) that is powered by Elsevier. Think of it as your Blackboard, which you use for online classes, but for your nursing classes on campus.
  • You do assignments, it grades them, and your grades are submitted to your instructor.

How do I sign up for an account?

How do I reset my password for Canvas?

  • Simply click on the ‘forgot my password’ link and an e-mail will be sent to you from Canvas Instructure with a link to reset your password.
  • If you haven’t received an e-mail, make sure your registered e-mail for Evolve is the same registered e-mail for Canvas. If it isn’t, update that on Evolve.

I know I am putting in the right password, but it keeps saying my username or password is incorrect for Canvas!

  • First, check to make sure the website you are on has the URL:
  • If this is not the URL that is showing up, you are on the wrong Canvas website. Click on the link above. 
  • If it still doesn’t work, try switching to a different Internet browser (e.g. using Internet Explorer instead of Google Chrome).
  • If this still doesn’t work, delete your browsing history and cookies. If you do not know how to do this on Google Chrome, visit here. Once you delete your browsing data and cookies, refresh the page and try to log in again.

Canvas is having display errors or not letting me view my books!

  • If you are not using GoogleChrome, switch to Chrome since Canvas operates best with it. Download and install the Windows copy or Mac copy for your laptop.
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