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Centerville: Online Attendance

Website for Fortis College, Centerville Library & Resource Center

How do I receive credit for attendance each week?

You receive attendance credit by doing the following in each class:

  • Submitting an initial or peer response post to the discussion board
  • Submitting a paper, project, or other assignment for grading
  • Completing a quiz, mid‐term or final exam

Why do I have to submit my initial discussion post by Wednesday of the week?

The nature of the class discussions is to get good interaction going between you and your
classmates on the course topic for that week and improve the overall learning experience. If no 
one submits anything until Saturday or Sunday, there is not much opportunity for discussion.

Will reading discussion posts by Wednesday count toward attendance?

No. You must post to the discussion thread or submit an assignment or quiz in order to receive credit 
for attendance. A post to the discussion thread is a graded activity which countstowards attendance;
reading the discussion thread alone is not. NOTE: It isrequired that you post your main discussion post
by Wednesday and the minimum number of responses to your classmates (as defined in the 
assignment; usually 2) by Sunday each week to be eligible to earn all points related to the Discussion.

Will posting a question on Course Café count toward attendance?

No, it will not. The Course Café is the area for you to ask your instructor questions that are related 
to homework or other course-related concerns. This is a great place to ask questions that you 
want the instructor to cover in the weekly live session. It is also an area to simply interact with 
your classmates. This area is not a graded assignment. Remember, only graded assignments are 
counted as activity towards your attendance each week.

What happens if I do not post my discussion or assignment in a given week?

This can result in not earning the full possible points for your participation in the discussions or 
assignment submission. Per our attendance policy you are required to:

  • Post your initial response to the weekly discussion(s) question or assignment in each class by Wednesday night at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time. Initial responses received after Wednesday will be subject to a 10% late penalty. Initial responses to the weekly discussion question(s) will not be accepted after Sunday night at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time.
  • Post responses to other students’ posts in each class no later than Sunday night at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time. Responses to peers or instructors will not be accepted after Sunday night at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time.
  • Complete your weekly assignments for each class throughout the week. Assignments due each week must be submitted no later than Sunday night at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time.

For additional questions or information on late work, read the policies document below:

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