EA’ s Virtual Training Academy provides online, professional development programs designed to help faculty, staff, and leadership achieve excellence in their positions at Education Affiliates.
Login to the website with your Office 365 credentials. You can search for How To articles or you can click on the Education Affiliates Service Desk. Clicking on the Education Affiliates icon will take you into the service desk where you can submit a help desk ticket.
For new clinical studies
for clinical information evidence
for finding medical eBooks
Software application for DA courses (only accessible by staff).
Several videos on various dental procedures.
Certifications, proctor access, and shop for HVAC/R faculty.
For online learning opportunities in HVAC.
Playlist of grayfurnaceman (HVAC serviceman and instructor) on various HVAC jobs.
Playlist for HVAC School technician training videos.
Browse upcoming webinars and watch prior webinars. Nursing Educators attend all webinars and view recordings at no cost.
Webinars, Consultations, Conferences, and NCLEX help.