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Pensacola: MyCampusLink (Student Portal)

Welcome to Fortis Pensacola's Library & Resource Center!

MyCampusLink (or the Student Portal) is an online portal for all Fortis students and faculty. It provides online access to academic records, student account information, and campus communication. Some of the options available in MyCampusLink are:

  • get your class schedule
  • check Financial Aid status
  • make student payments
  • check attendance
  • check grades or calculate your GPA
  • print an unofficial transcript
  • update your contact information
  • set SMS/emergency alerts
  • connect to the LRC homepage

Create a MyCampusLink Account

  1. In your browser, go to
  2. Select Student Portal Homepage.
  3. Choose Create a New Account.
  4. Enter the requested information, then select Next.
  5. Verify the email address on file is correct. **The email address is important for the sending the authentication email**
    If correct, select YES.
    If incorrect, select NO so the school can be notified to update the information.
  6. Note the username listed on the screen. Enter in your new password, then select Confirm.
  7. Check your Fortis student email for the link to authenticate your account. Note: It can take several minutes for the email to appear.
  8. Once you have authenticated your account, return to to login to your account. 

For detailed instructions, see the Create Portal Account from Fortis's Student Technology and Resource Center!

Login or Reset Your Password

  1. In your browser, go to
  2. Select Login , then select Student Portal Homepage
  3. Enter your username and password, then select Login (or hit the Enter key)

**If you forgot your password, you can use Forgot Your Password link on the logon screen.

  1. Enter your username and Fortis email address
  2. Enter answers to the security questions you provided when creating your account
  3. Enter a new password 

**If you do not remember the answers to the security questions or have any issues with the password reset, please contact your school or reach out the Library Manager to reset your password.**

Access Your Class Schedule

  1. In your browser, go to
  2. Login to your Student Portal
  3. Choose on Academics
  4. Select on Class Schedule
  5. Select on Schedule Report (PDF link)
  6. Open the document, then select Print
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