R2 Digital Library offers a curated collection of medical, nursing, and allied health e-books, accessible 24/7.
New user? Create an account on campus or reach out to a Librarian for assistance!
If you are on campus, you can access R2 without an account. To use the ebooks off campus, please create a personal account.
To create your R2 account go to https://www.r2library.com/ from an LRC or other campus computer. If you are not on campus or cannot access a computer please use the form on the right to request an account.
Enter the requested information in the fields
Under Department enter student
Do not check request expert reviewer rights
Password must be 8 to 20 characters and contain 3 out of 4: Upper case, Lower case, Number, Special Character `~!@#$%^&*()>
After filling in all fields click on Create