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Pensacola: R2 Digital Library (E-Books)

Welcome to Fortis Pensacola's Library & Resource Center!

R2 Digital Library - Healthcare E-Books

R2 Digital Library offers a curated collection of medical, nursing, and allied health e-books, accessible 24/7.
New user? Create an account on campus or reach out to a Librarian for assistance!

If you are on campus, you can access R2 without an account. To use the ebooks off campus, please create a personal account. 

To create your R2 account go to from an LRC or other campus computer. If you are not on campus or cannot access a computer please use the form on the right to request an account.

  • Enter the requested information in the fields

  • Under Department enter student

  • Do not check request expert reviewer rights

  • Password must be 8 to 20 characters and contain 3 out of 4: Upper case, Lower case, Number, Special Character `~!@#$%^&*()>

  • After filling in all fields click on Create

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